Miriam turned one on May 6! I can't believe I have a one-year-old. She is so precious--I had no idea how wonderful it is to be a mother! Andrew and I are finishing up our year in Colorado. We will return to Saint Louis in August for his final year of seminary. It has definitely been a good year, but I am a bit concerned still about being a "pastor's wife." People make associations with that role, and I don't seem to fit any of them. However, I am excited to make my own place the church in the future--one that doesn't include being the church pianist or children's ministry coordinator!
I am excited to return to Saint Louis. It definitely seems like home now--especially because our house and all our furniture are there! The year will be challenging, however, as I attempt to find a job that I can do without leaving Miriam and as we will try to sell our house in what is looking like it will continue to be a depressed market. For now, I'm just enjoying our final few months of Denver weather and free grandparent babysitters!
Hooray!! I love the photos of Miriam!
Our church here expected me and David to head up the Chirstmas program, VBS, and me to be involved in LWML. I'm not involved in any of those things. I didn't go to any of the VBS meetings, but was asked to teach a class anyways. I said, "No, thanks." The lady said that she'd watch Allyssa. I said no again. She said that I could do it next year. I said no again. She said that I could do it in three years. I told her that I'd probably have more kids by then that I'd need to stay home with. That being said, I am watching two toddlers who are kids of one of the teachers for VBS. I guess you could say that I'm the nursery for VBS. Dr. uhhh, well one of the Drs. at the sem told me that as a pastor's wife I should choose one, at most two, things at church to be heavily involved in and no more. I really took what he said to heart. He said that PWs can get burned out and over-involved easily because everyone wants them to do something. I believed him, and have chosen to lead a women's Bible study once a month and direct A Night in Bethlehem (by Group Publishing, it is a live nativity that allows people to interact with the whole town of Bethlehem the night of Jesus' birth, it is an outreach event) if the church decides to do it. Whatever you decide to do as a PW, remember, if you stretch yourself too thin, you won't be doing the church or your family any favors. I figure part of the role of a PW for me is to allow other people to take on leadership roles who haven't had the oppurtunity to do so before (like direct VBS here at our church because the former PW did that). That way other people at church get leadership experience and the oppurtunity to serve God in that way. I am also encouraging another member to start a Parents of Young Children group that will make Quiet Bags and develop a nursery for our church because we don't have either of those things and she thinks it is important. I am also encouraging her in reaching out to the community with a Storytime at the public library that is done by a representative from our congregation, again something that she is interested in. This way I encourage someone else to do something that is good for the church but that I cannot do. Don't worry about what type of PW you will be. You won't be exactly like the one who was there before you, but that is a blessing.
Daisy, your baby is so cute! We had fun looking at all your pictures and videos to see what we have to look forward to. If you guys are ever in Portland, let us know because we'd love to see you!
Christy and Nathan
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